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Common Money Laundering Use Cases. Drug Trafficking. Drug trafficking is a cash intensive business. International Terrorism. For ideologically motivated groups, money is a means to an end. Embezzlement. Arms Trafficking. Other Use Cases..For example, if the organization owns a restaurant, it might inflate the daily cash receipts to funnel illegal cash through the restaurant and into the .What is Money Laundering? How Money Laundering Schemes Work Examples of Money Laundering .Examples are parking structures, strip clubs, tanning salons, car washes, arcades, bars, restaurants, ands. Trade based laundering This method is one of .Money laundering is a federal crime that can result in years in prison. If you are facing money laundering charges, our Las Vegas criminal .Fraud schemes and tactics are predicate offenses to money laundering. One example, money mules are often recruited to accept deposits into accounts that they .Money laundering is a term used to describe a scheme in which criminals try to disguise the identity, original ownership, and destination of money .There are three stages involved in money laundering placement, layering and integration. Placement This is the movement of cash from its source. On occasion .For example, Richard Scrushy, chair man and CEO of HealthSouth, a major health care corporation, was indicted on counts, including fraud and money .